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ARGOMENTO: Carburators Xtz 750

Carburators Xtz 750 02/12/2007 20:01 #6649269

  • Ury
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Hi guys its me again im sorry but i need to tipe in english i have the foloving problem

1 of my spark plugs is black and i dont finde the problem the other one is fine chockolate colur

i hope some one can help me out here im spaced out all i know it has to do something with to much fuel i think

Thnx and reguards Ury

Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 00:22 #6649312

  • Rettondini Luca
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  • Moto: : Ténéré 600 modello 55W,Superténéré 750
Ho inteso che hai le candele nere per la carburazione qualcuno te lo traduce per me :wink: :thx: ...devi abbassare di 2 tacche gli spilli dei carburatori, e mettere dei filtri aria nuovi se non riesci a pulire quelli che hai :wink: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :ciao: :ciao:

:ciao: Luca
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Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 07:09 #6649319

  • tazzone
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Hi guys its me again im sorry but i need to tipe in english i have the foloving problem

1 of my spark plugs is black and i dont finde the problem the other one is fine chockolate colur

i hope some one can help me out here im spaced out all i know it has to do something with to much fuel i think

Thnx and reguards Ury

benvenutissimo nel gabbione dei mett?n?r?

chi ? che ci traduce????

Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 09:45 #6649340

Ho inteso che hai le candele nere per la carburazione qualcuno te lo traduce per me :wink: :thx: ...devi abbassare di 2 tacche gli spilli dei carburatori, e mettere dei filtri aria nuovi se non riesci a pulire quelli che hai :wink: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :ciao: :ciao:

:ciao: Luca

I have meant that you have the black candles for the low carburation......... se someone you translate for me... wink: :thx:
you must lower of 2 heels the pins of the carburetors, and to put of the new filters air if you do not succeed to clean up those that you have
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :ciao: :ciao:

:motoretta: :motoretta: w w :motoretta:

Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 10:27 #6649350

  • Rettondini Luca
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  • Moto: : Ténéré 600 modello 55W,Superténéré 750
GRAZIE.... anche se ho commesso un errore di battitura (Tazzonite :?: :lol: :lol: :lol: )...ho chiamato carburazione bassa invece di grassa... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:ciao: Luca

PS l'ho corretto
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Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 12:47 #6649401

  • triplo
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...ha UNA SOLA candela nera. L'altra ? del giusto color cioccolata.

Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 14:00 #6649416

  • Rettondini Luca
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  • Moto: : Ténéré 600 modello 55W,Superténéré 750
...ha UNA SOLA candela nera. L'altra ? del giusto color cioccolata.

Allora pu? essere uno starter....quello del cilindro con candela nera..............Da controllare anche la membrana :wink:

Ciao Luca
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Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 14:40 #6649426

  • Ury
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Thnx Luca for your quick responce and Biankobullo for translating to me so i can understand

Any way both nedles are fully down i meen in top slot,carbs are sincronised and membranes are new.

Is it posibile that that small membrane is giving me the problem which is on the side of carburator?

Thnx and Reguards Ury

Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 14:46 #6649428

  • Ury
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ok i see your talking bout starter plunger but i duno what to do with it :book: :oops:

Reguard Ury

Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 14:51 #6649429

  • triplo
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ok ho visto la tua risposta sul comando dello starter ma non so cosa fare per intervenire.

(traduzione adattata)

Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 15:08 #6649431

  • Ury
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Is it posibile that that small membrane is giving me the problem which is on the side of carburator?

Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 15:54 #6649446

  • triplo
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according to me isn't the membrane. i'm agree with luca: check the two (I suppose) starter pluggers where they are allow to carbs.

Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 16:59 #6649452

  • Ury
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Thnx Triplo

So is it posibile to fix it or i need to buy new ones (starter plungers) :ciao:

Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 17:03 #6649454

  • triplo
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before buy, check the starter plugger's inside ride. You have to check that it open and close correctly.

Carburators Xtz 750 03/12/2007 17:30 #6649461

? una cosa un po difficile da capire x m?!!!!passo a un altro post
quando ti gratti la borsa e senti che hai quattro maroni non ti muovere potresti fare il gioco di chi c'è dietro!!!!
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